Saturday, June 8, 2013

Something over a year later..., it's been something over a year.  I had all these grand notions for a one-year observance, with photographs and pithy observations.  Didn't happen.  Lots of other things going on.

So, a brief summary:  Michelle has said that she feels like she's 100%.  Me, I'd call it more like 98.5% most of the time.  Since the big-talk entry about circling the block, we've done it maybe four times.  Got out of the habit, mostly.  It's a fairly good stroll.  We'll get back to it.

Any pictures that I could add at this point would just duplicate what's already on here.  We talk about drawing designs on her surgery scars, but none of that has happened yet.

Won't say that this little journey has ended, but there are competing priorities.  A more extensive update will eventually occur.  Until then, all my best regards, and thanks again for all the kind wishes for Michelle's recovery.  There has been SO MUCH kindness.