Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Good Day

Michelle spent this afternoon at her job today.  After her doctor provided permission to work half-days, and all the various details got sorted out, I took her in during my lunch break, and she was able to get a good amount of work completed. I picked her up and took her home after my work day ended.  I'll take her back in again tomorrow during my lunch break.

She feels much better about how things are going.  We're counting down to 10 July.  19 Days, woo-woo!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

12 June update, plus duckies

For me, the big takeaway from the consult is that Michelle should be independently mobile on 10 July. She’ll actually be wearing a brace on her right ankle with the air boot on her left after then, but there should be a lot more mobility when we leave that office visit. I may have to take the day off, just so I can be with her as she celebrates her new-found options.
Maybe the best thing I heard yesterday was when K----, the nurse, looked at Michelle’s ankle and said “you’ve done a good job of healing.”
Somebody said “..right foot looks much better…” yesterday. I think it was Dr. S-----.
So, basically, four more weeks of the air boot on her right. Pink and purple fiberglass cast on her left ankle for four weeks. Lots closer to normal life after that. Still some limits, but way serious improved in a lot of ways.
Rudy (Michelle’s nephew) is being a really great help for us and, I think, having a reasonable time in our home. Maybe we’re not so boring.
also, the long-awaited duckies link is below.
many thanks to everyone for all your help and good thoughts.
here's a few pictures: