Sunday, January 6, 2013

In the New Year now it's the New Year, and all these many things have been going on.  Early in December, there was a strep diagnosis, and treatment.  Michelle sang in the Christmas Concert rehearsal, but couldn't sing in the concert.  Later on (or maybe it was during the concert part of time), a strep recurrence, symptoms, treatment, and more symptoms during the annual family seasonal gathering.  There was some coughing, but she managed.

Not so well the next morning.  The coughing became more intense, and we decided to seek emergency care.  The hospital doctor, after an x-ray and various other tests, diagnosed pneumonia.  That was early on the 23rd.

Then, Christmas.  Michelle didn't go to Christmas Eve Mass.  Went by myself, didn't really feel celebratory, but it was mostly for the singing.

Then, as I wrote above, Christmas.  It was agreeable, but not super-maximal on all the relevant vectors.  We didn't get up until on into the morning.  I don't remember if we opened presents before or after breakfast, but I defintely remember pecan waffles and sausage, with maple syrup. 

and then, as I started this post, it's the New Year.  We're working towards recovery, and making choices about medical care.  

Her ankles, well, they're better, they're healing.  There's some self-therapy.  It's ongoing.