Saturday, July 14, 2012

The SEVEN-WEEK update

The SEVEN-WEEK update of how it’s going with Michelle

Hey, got through yesterday, if you put any stock in that sort of thing.  Today has been a good-enough day.  She’s still got mobility issues that we’re dealing with.  Stairs and curbs are in issue.  Not keeping her foot up enough during the day is an issue.  Standing up is an issue.  Still, she can manage curbs and stairs, and she can stand up from a seated position.  It’s WAY better than what we were dealing with a week ago.  Impatience with how long this is taking is also an issue.  Needing to delay everything else going on to contend with all the issues is an issue.  It’s getting better, though.  Just not so quickly as we were both hoping for.
We drove down to Palmetto today, taking the three parakeets (some call ‘em budgies; I like that, but it’s not so widely recognized) down to Mom, after she expressed her interest in managing avian life and knowing that, without birds down there, sure enough there would be a comparatively small quadruped or two joining the local menagerie.

Going to sing Mass tomorrow for the second time, and the last time of the summer, what with this year’s choir season ending.  We’ll be back at the end of August, and Michelle should be down to just a brace on the left ankle by then.  We’re hoping, anyway.  And kind of expecting.
She starts back to work full-time Monday, after getting doctor permission to do so on Friday.  The half-days have gone well, but it’ll be good for her to have a whole day in the office to address those concerns.  It’ll take the focus off her own issues and give her cause to concentrate on business things.  It’s good for her to be at work.  It helps her get through the days. 

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