Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The PT Routine

This is from a recent message Michelle sent to me about her Physical Therapy routine.

1 Ride bike 8 minutes
2 Slanted board leaning into wall hold count of 15 three times
3 Sled; three different exercises
4 Stand on board with a half ball on other side and keep it from tipping from side to side
5 Throw ball onto trampoline while standing on one foot facing front, then sideways on each foot
6 Blue band around ankle stretching facing in four different directions for each ankle
7 Plunging foot into a bucket of rice and moving it in all directions for a minute per foot
8 Picking up marbles with toes, hold for count of three, then place in container
9 Deep massage of ankles - ouch!
10 Ice around both ankles for 20 minutes (think pins and needles); ankles are red when finished, and stiff.
I think that she's doing more stuff, now.  The above, plus somewhat more, over an hour, twice a week.
Many thanks to everyone for their kind wishes.

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