Monday, July 2, 2012

Counting down single digits

Tuesday, 10 July, is the day we go in and find out the next step.  The plan is for the cast to come off her left ankle.  I expect that there will be some looking at it, and probably x-rays.  We would like to think that the air boot will move over to her left and that they'll put a splint on the right.  The further expectation is that she'll be permitted to walk, to put full weight on her left, for the first time since the morning on 19 May, just before she stepped off the next-to-last step down into our garage expecting to continue on her way to the car so we could go to breakfast. 
It didn't go that way.  Looking at the calendar, next Tuesday will be just over seven full weeks and maybe, finally, hopefully, she'll be allowed to walk.  It's what we've been looking forward to, even if it's not completely actually walking.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear Michelle is doing better. I received your sweet note Randy and think of you guys often. Please tell Michelle "hi" from me.

