Monday, July 9, 2012

Maybe just one more day of this

Today’s entry is brought to you by Arial Black .
Tomorrow afternoon, we'll get the 411 on the next part of our ongoing experience. After arriving a little after ten, we’ll go back in to meet with the orthopedist and get going on the cast removal. Once that's taken care of, we'll see what's next.
Probably, hoping, x-rays will confirm the expected level of healing. We'll get a splint put on her right ankle, move the air boot to her left, get some physical therapy input (I'll take some notes), and we'll head on out for some lunch.
Maybe she won't need any support from any of the supportive appliances to get around, or not so much support.  We'll just have to see.  Will the wheelchair and the knee scooter go back after tomorrow's medical consult?
I've arranged to take the day, so it's wide-open for me. I sure didn't want to contend with taking the morning to get her over there and then have to hustle back home to leave her off and go into the office. Thankfully, I'm ahead enough of what's going on to be in good shape, for one day, at least.
I sure would like to bring some pictures back so I can share how much better she’s doing now than she before this series of weeks began.  I can’t say enough how supportive everyone in our lives has been of Michelle and I both during this extremely disadvantageous situation.  We are both very thankful to one and all. 

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