Sunday, August 19, 2012

92nd Day-ish

Michelle is doing better, almost every day.  We’re walking further, not every time, but most times, sometimes multiple times in a day.

She’s not going this whole green-line distance every time, but usually going uphill (that's to the right, or counter-clockwise if your brain operates better with those parameters) and back home, unless we go the other way.  Short version:  a lot of the time, she’s going about twice as far as she was before, and at a faster pace. 

The whole circle (sort of a squared circle, maybe more of a block) is the distance we used to walk (with the  dog) almost every evening before we went to bed.  Well, except if it was raining.  I got the dog-walking prize on the majority of those nights, and didn't ever make the block on those occasions.  Angel wasn't so cheerful about it, and he wasn't alone in that.  Doggie raincoats and umbrellas just aren't enough.

The physical therapy side of it continues.  Part of it is going into the PT facility, the rest of it happens at home, every day.  I get to help with the at-home part.

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