Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 85

With 10 August, Day 83, behind us, the expected transitions have occurred; the air boot has been retired, the brace has been moved to her left ankle, and physical therapy has been scheduled.

My notes from the consult are brief and minimal.  Just to mention the detail, her surgery was on 29 May, so you can do all the day-counting you like from that point, along with the injury date of 19 May.  It’s all about counting, for some folks, and I support that option, whenever possible.

In the meantime, she’s doing lots better. Walking is still not a rapid activity, manageable without disagreeable-ness. Hard surfaces, naturally, are less forgiving, especially when she’s not wearing the brace on her bionic ankle.  Shoes on, hard floors aren't such a big deal.  It's progress.

“It’s time for her to work on her strength and balance skills,’ reads one of my notes. The physical therapy is scheduled to begin next Thursday, since that was the first available day for it.  That will include a bit of stationary biking and whatever else is on the standard list, along with some home exercises that she’s already working on.
She’s going on walks with the dog regularly. Stamina is something of an issue but, considering where she was a month ago, this is great guns progress, walking unaided.  Maybe I'm offering her my arm most of the time.  Maybe she's taking it.

I’ve considered resuming my typical schedule, going in early and such, but still feel cautious about the first part of her day.  I’ll give her another week or two and revisit that choice.

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