Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ankle screws, mock incision

As promised, less-than-super photographs of the hardware (these are actually negatives; I'll get positives, but not until 12 June), along with a picture of my left ankle as a stand-in to demonstrate the incision that was used to install the hardware. 

Michelle is doing better now. Getting away from the hospital took a bit longer than expected, what with getting the nerve block apparatus in place. She's pretty tired, and maybe a bit overwhelmed with remnants of the general anesthesia. Still, she was a real trooper getting into our house, going up the steps out of the garage into the house, one step at a time, maneuvering herself onto the plant stand, up another step, maneuver, up another step, repeat repeat repeat, and then repeat some more times. There was really no alternative for it, and she just dug in and got it done. I don't think that she can handle going up the steps to our bedroom tonight, so she'll probably sleep downstairs.
It's been a full and demanding day for her, but she was strong and solid and got through it okay. We're in the countdown phase now, and things will be getting better in a specific time-frame now.

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