Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, everyone.  Grateful honors to and for all in uniform, and respectful intentions to all families who mark today with memories of lost loved ones.  Our day has gone well, and I hope that yours has, too.

Michelle's nephew Rudy is confirmed for coming in on 10 June to help with whatnot around the house.  Now I just have to work out meeting him at the airport six-ish PM.  What with his transit from Sacramento through Las Vegas, I hope that there's nothing that needs to stay in Vegas. 

Props to Robin next door for running a 5K this morning, coming home to cut their grass and ours, and then blowing off our driveway.  I told her that this was breakfast-Saturday-before-Christmas for years. 

Michelle is to be at the hospital tomorrow at 1130.  Tia is taking care of Angel for most of the day.  Big thanks to her to helping with the little guy, and big big thanks to everyone for their support. 

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