Friday, May 25, 2012

how it began on 19 May, 2012

Hello and good day, erstwhile reader. Here is a quick summary of Michelle’s injuries: Saturday morning, missed last step down into garage, concrete floor, two broken distal fibula (one in each ankle) and a broken 5th metatarsal in her right foot.  “Moon Boot” on her right foot/ankle/leg for “walking” (hopping, actually) – no weight on left foot (angry shooting pain when that happens). temporary splints on both feet/ankles/leg-from-knee-down, orthopedist earlier today recommended surgery, scheduled for 29 May; wheelchair, walker, severely restricted mobility, many restrictions, various indignities. is much worse than what Michelle is facing, but it’s a good summary of what she’s dealing with.

Stairs?  Only with tedious business that I'll detail some other time.  Completely independent mobility is not for some weeks, at very best.  The knee scooter (picture, eventually)

Thanks to everyone for kind words of support and hopeful wishes.

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