Sunday, May 27, 2012

Progressive and Ongoing Accomplishments

Getting through yesterday and moving into today, a number of things are moving forward.  Michelle chose to try a different ambulatory stair method last night, crawling up forward, rather than backing up.  That went pretty well, quicker and a whole lot less tiring.
Mom and Dad came up today, and visited with us for a few hours. Mom is staying with us to help out next week after Michelle’s surgery.  I’ll be able to go into the office more consistently, and that’s a serious advantage for my ongoing assignments.
Her pre-surgery ankle is complaining a lot more today.  Elevation helps, but only for a short time.  She’s over there working right now, getting some projects finished up.  She’ll put it away and go lay down in a little while.  Putting her feet up will help, when she does it.
Two more nights before she goes into surgery.  The doctor will splint it post-op, and then June 12 for her post-op exam.  We’re expecting a cast then, and the countdown (six weeks, I believe) starts for the serious part of recovery towards increased mobility.
What I remember, and I’m having to rely on memory since I forgot to take pen and paper for notes, is that the cast on her post-op ankle is for six weeks.  After then, the Moon Boot replaces the cast and, as I understand it, her right ankle is functional and she’ll be able to put weight on both feet.  MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT.  At that point, we’re working towards things being back to what they were before the events of Saturday morning, May 19th.

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